(原文发表于2月5日,作者为ESPN的Kevin Pelton,文章内容不代表译者观点)


凯莱布-马丁交易评级:独行侠C- 76人A,球员估值的深度解析

ESPN记者Kevin Pelton对此次NBA主要交易进行了评分和分析,以探讨所有涉及球队和球员所面临的影响。


  • 独行侠得到: 凯莱布-马丁
  • 76人得到: 昆汀-格莱姆斯、2025年76人的次轮签

 费城76人 评分:A

This trade is considered a "remedial measure" for the 76ers after they signed Caleb Martin to a four-year, $40 million deal last July. At that time, given their limited salary cap space following Paul George's signing, it seemed like a smart move. I rated this contract as an “A” in free agent signings due to its creativity (including incentives unlikely to trigger and not counting against cap). However, seven months later, my confidence in this signing has waned.

凯莱布-马丁交易评级:独行侠C- 76人A,球员估值的深度解析

Kyleb Martin isn’t the reason behind the Sixers’ sub-.500 record but he also hasn't become part of the solution. Although his three-point shooting percentage stands at 38%—above his career average of 36%—his overall scoring efficiency remains below average with just a 47% field goal rate from two-point range—the lowest since his rookie season (36%). On defense too, Martin hasn’t been able to make significant impacts despite taking on tough defensive assignments.

凯莱布-马丁交易评级:独行侠C- 76人A,球员估值的深度解析

The recent winning streak occurred while Martin was sidelined by a hip injury; during that period rookie Justin Edwards stepped up impressively in the starting lineup.

In comparison, Grimes has performed notably better this season with impressive stats including 40% from beyond arc and54 % inside . His presence can lessen reliance on veterans Eric Gordon (age 36) and Lowry (turning39in March), who have consistently filled key roles under coach Nick Nurse since their rookie seasons. Moreover ,Grimes being younger(24 years old )and cheaper ($430k comparedtoMartin’s$810Kcontract)saves Philadelphia around800k intax implications potentially allowing them avoid luxury tax altogether if managed properly moving forward . He will enter restricted free agency summer which guarantees him higher pay than what currently holds thus making long term outlook more promising over fate uncertain future associatedwithCalebmartins remaining contracts(signed through2027/28season).

 达拉斯独行侠    评分:C -</ h4 > < p > 在 独 行 骑 从 东 契 奇 和 戴 韦 士 的 更 改 中 得 到 马 克 西· 克里 思 提 后 , 格 莱 姆 S 显 然 成 为 可 能 被 生 意 的 对 象 。 此 外 , 他 提供 类似 于 三 D 技能 并 且 比 较 年 青 ( 下 周 将 满 二 十二 岁 ) 而且 签 言 一 项 超 值 合 同 至 二 零二六 / 五 个 季 度 。 不过 , 凯 莱 布 · 马 丁 是 一个 出 人 意 表 达 突然 的 标 针 。 随 着 东 契 奇 离 开后 、 独 行 骑 看 来 更 有 助 寻 找 新 控 球 手 协助 欧 文 与 老 将 丁 威 弗 打 理; 此 次 操 作 暗 示着 自 己 相 信 杰 登 哈 尔 黛 定 位 足够 执掌这角色并认为侧翼位置才更有需求。 当然,我理解这一举措对于独行侠的重要性。凯莱布·马丁防守时使用率也高于任何其他防御型玩家。而小德里克琼斯离开后的PJ华盛顿、格雷姆及玛绍尔共同承担起了边线上的责任,因此可能提升整体表现。 理想情况下,如果能够获得上赛季总决赛期间状态回暖版本,那么他无疑成为主教练基德选择优良替代品。但若无法保持这种水平,则或许依旧难以改变现状。 金融方面,此决定相当冒险,为回应外界质疑其“抠门”的批评声浪,该团队再次越过奢侈税线。因此为了避免支付相关费用,还需寻求新家来安置老牌中锋鲍威尔,同时需要确保欧文未触发激励条款才能顺利实现目标。 长远来看,与凯莱布·马丁续约相比,其承诺甚至比之前提到之77号还要多出不少。如果合同继续执行下去,对财务负担势必加大,所以期待尽快解决问题再作打算!
总结而言,我认为接盘他的剩余合同比较差,希望收获一个选秀权而非付出年轻人才红利。这种估值方式恐怕跟市场反应存在偏差,但显然显示出了各自判断不同罢了! 原文: Kevin Pelton 编译 : 李太白 ```