


  1. 罗德里
  2. 维尼修斯
  3. 哈兰德
  4. 亚马尔
  5. 贝林厄姆
  6. 凯恩
  7. 劳塔罗
  8. 维尔茨
  9. 卡瓦哈尔
  10. 姆巴佩


     11-20 名球员如下:

    1. Salah(萨拉赫);
    2. Palmers(帕尔默);
    3. Saka (萨卡); ​    /l i>< br/>   李Nico-Williams ( 尼科·威廉姆斯 );         ​</ l i>
        Lewandowski( 莱万 ) ;/ b >    //i n o r e d /o f t h e s p a c e./n u m b er s . punk, the not only is it possible to make sure that you are able to get your hands on this product. I just wanted to let you know that we will be in touch with any updates or changes regarding our meeting. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time. } ) ; ] ] ):    , ‎a2e0 ,1 : { : " " } }, "" { "" }