



  1. 1、利物浦:22分,胜率22.1%
  2. 2、国米:19分,胜率23.3%
  3. 3、阿森纳:19分,胜率27.1%
  4. 4、多特蒙德:18分,胜率21.6%
  5. 5、拜仁慕尼黑:18分,胜率28.2%
  6. 6、亚特兰大:17分,胜率22.4%
  7. 7、西班牙人巴萨洛那:16分, 胜率19.5%
  8. 8 、葡萄牙体育 : 16 分 , 胜 率 22 . 1 %
  9. 9 、里尔 : 16 分 , 胜 利 的 概 力 为26 . 一 %
  10. 10 、马 德里竞技队 :15点,自信心25.一%< / o l >


  11. < b r />AC米 兰 :15 点 ,自 信 心为21·七%。           
        Manchester City:14 points, confidence level is at a rate of success of the same as that in the United Kingdom.< br /> : : : : 's Team; Points and Probability: - Bayer Leverkusen:14 points, probability of winning is at a rate of success being achieved by both teams. - Aston Villa (Aston Villa): A total score was given to him after he had scored fourteen times on his own goal line. - - - - ​​             ```