体坛记者: 在海牛效力期间,你最大的收获是什么?
钟晋宝: 来到海牛之前,在建业时期我主要负责组织进攻,但这里更多的是防守任务。一开始需要适应这种转变,现在经过两年的磨炼,我对自己的位置理解得更全面。
体坛记者: 你和海牛之间是如何建立联系的?
钟晋宝: 我的职业生涯始于建业,那段时间也正值U23政策推行,使我早早踏入中超。2022年底合同到期后,看到了刚升上来的海牛,希望能借此锻炼自我,非常感谢乔总和张总带领我来到这里。这两年间,平台上的各位领导与同事们给了我很多支持。
体坛记者: strong > 合同即将结束,有什么计划吗? p > < p >< strong > 钟 晋 宝: strong > 本赛季结束后,俱乐部已经跟我洽谈续约,同时也关注一些其他机会。不管明年身处何地,我都会很感恩过去这段时间所结识的人。 p > < p >< strong > 体 坛 报 道 : 去 年 有 一 场 比 赛 后 的 面 对 媒 介 视频 引 起 很 大 响 应 , 此 前 是否 回 想 当 时 情 况 ? 强 > P > < P >< Strong = " "> 钟 晋 宝:那次主场对阵 海 港 输掉比赛 心情不佳 而且表现确实糟糕。我觉得输球辜负了球迷,所以当时简单说了一些没想到却被广泛传播。不过足球本质就是娱乐大众,更加激励着我要努力踢好每一场比赛.
The two seasons at Hai Niu saw you play consistently, with a total of **49 matches**, but your goals and assists have decreased compared to before. How do you view this change? Zhong Jinbao:I scored about six goals during my time in Jianye; however, the difference lies in the responsibilities I now hold on the field. While I haven't found the net these past couple of years, my defensive stats and running metrics are much improved compared to when I was at Jianye. More importantly is my mental maturity—I’ve faced criticism from fans that once felt overwhelming but understand it better now as I'm thirty. They say Chinese players truly hit their stride by age thirty; for me it's more about psychological development than anything else.
Your future aspirations? Zhong Jinbao:I checked some data recently—I've played **181 games** so far—not too many! My first small goal is hitting **200 appearances next season** while keeping true to myself which can be difficult amidst distractions along one's career path. I've previously made U22 & U25 training camps briefly yet hope someday to join national team—a dream every player shares!
If there’s something you'd like to convey to fans? Zhong Jinbao:No football without fans means nothing! I'm always grateful for them—even through our struggles this year up until last round survival—the support has been unwavering especially during empty stadiums where they cheered us on outside grounds greatly encouraging us further! Thankful towards all supporters hoping they continue backing Hainiu!