12月9日讯 在回澳大利亚休假前,海港主帅穆斯卡特接受了《体坛周报》记者马德兴的专访。他总结了过去一个赛季,并坦言新赛季将面临全新的挑战。
穆斯卡特:(笑) 这个问题很难回答,因为我们经历了很多付出、成就和令人振奋的时刻。如果非要选一个,我会说“骄傲(pride)”。虽然这不能涵盖全部,但我为球队取得的成绩以及大家所做出的努力感到无比自豪。
体坛: strong >你认为整个赛季中哪场比赛让你感觉最舒心? p > < p >< strong > 穆斯 卡 特 : strong > 这是个困难的问题。我记忆力不好,总想着未来。不过,我们创造过太多美好的瞬间,很难挑一场出来。但是,有一点让我印象深刻,那就是李昂在球门线上解围的一幕,这不仅铭刻在脑海,也是俱乐部历史的重要时刻。 p > < p ><强烈 的体育 : 强烈 > 那么,在本次赛事中 , 球队遇到了哪些困难呢 ? 体育 > < P ><强烈 的运动员 : /強調 我们实际上都是通过挑战度过这一年的。从一开始,由于亚洲杯后许多人带伤归队,加上情绪低落,使我们的技战术执行受到影响。而真正考验则是在七八月份炎热夏天里面对紧密日程。这种情况下连续征战四个客场非常罕见,让人倍感压力。然而,这是团队成长过程中必须克服的一部分。在这些时候,每个人都需要互相依靠,共同应对挑战。比如梅州之行因为天气原因未能如愿而返回上海,再去一次,也锻炼了我们的意志品质,加强了团队凝聚力。
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联赛倒数第三轮输给成都蓉城之后,你有没有觉得夺冠希望渺茫? Muskate:对于那样结果,我没有觉得世界末日。当时唯一可做的是相信自己,相信球队还能够赢下剩余两场比赛。我坚信只要表现够好,不让失利控制自己的情绪,我们仍有机会争取冠军。 < P >< 強調體育: 強調體育 > 然後下一場賽事,同城申花意外地以2-2戰平深圳新鹏城,而我們又重新登頂積分榜。在這之前您曾想過會發生這樣結果嗎?Your entire season has left a significant mark on the Port. How did you achieve this, or how was it planned and executed step by step?
Muskete:“事实上,我确实相信我们可以踢出一种赏心悦目且激动人心进攻足球,也确信若真实现此目标便一定能赢得胜利。因此,当来到这里后借助文森佐与罗斯(注:他俩是助手)的帮助展开调整,以确保这种风格适合中国超级联赛,同时兼顾当地球员技术特点。此外,为避免限制他们发展空间,更强调基本原则。” P Sport: b>This can be understood as your football philosophy? Muskath: Yes, you can see my basic principles of football in games. For example, we aim to control matches both with and without the ball while maximizing possession whenever possible. Furthermore , what players are selected under differing environments will vary accordingly. Sports Media:At present regarding current team tactics employed at Shanghai SIPG FC outside observers believe foreign players have made decisive contributions . What do think about that statement? Mucata:"This is indeed an acceptable observation because their roles demonstrate key elements such as regaining possession quickly before launching attacks effectively . However due recognition must also go towards those who don’t directly participate offensively since they aid these transitions across pitch zones allowing midfielders access necessary space for advancing play." Therefore when considering importance between local versus overseas talent each holds unique responsibilities within overall framework—like goalkeeper Yan Junling being pivotal first phase initiator during offensive sequences—and defenders Wei Zhen/Li Ang/Zhang Linpeng performing differently compared previous eras too! In summary yes I agree many attacking positions rely heavily upon foreigners but ultimately designed strategies reflect our desire not merely create visually appealing style instead aiming victories through distinct methods established over short period whilst developing recognizable characteristics which makes me quite proud.”