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毕尔巴鄂 vs 比利亚雷亚尔

  < p > 毕尔巴鄂最近一轮逆转,以 2: 1 击败 巴列卡诺 ,并获得 两 连 胜 。 在周 中 的 联 赛 中 , 他 们 又 战 胜 皇 马 (皇马),再次提升信心,由 贝伦格尔 和 古鲁泽塔 各自打入一 球 。

< b style = "font-size :14px">比 利 亚 雷 阿 尔 上 輪 与赫罗 纳 打成 平局( 2: 2 ), 已经五 场 不败。但 周 中 国 王 杯 却输给 庞 特 贝 德 拉 (0 -) 一 分 , 莫 雷 诺 首 发 出 场 .< /B >

< B > 从 往绩来看,比利亚雷亚尔过去十次碰面只有一次落于下风,其余则取得 四 勝 五 平,一 負,目前亚洲 指数 显示 主 队 半 球 优 势.毕 尔 巴 鄂 最近10 場不敗,更是在戰勝皇馬後士氣大增,加上教練 巴爾韋德 的輪換安排非常到位。而比利亞雷亞爾則表現欠佳,自賽季至今僅完成過一次零封,因此防守端的不穩定性令人擔憂。在這樣的背景下,即使畢爾巴鄶讓出的熱度較高,我們仍需警惕冷門情況發生.

< strong class = "game-time" color= "#000"; font-weight="bold">
比賽時間 :12 月8 日23時15 分
< STRONG >> ; </STRONG >>竞彩推薦:
獲勝與和局: 贏或輸 ; 預測比分: 【 】(【+】【-|】)P [受傷病情况]: 主隊無 客隊缺少以下人員: 中場阿 克 霍 馬 奇 、 特 拉 茨 、 前鋒佩 潔 、 後衛福 伊 特 --------------------------------------------- (OsaSuna VS Alaves)< Br/>
.Osasuna上一輪對陣塞維莉亞同樣為止於「和平」,聯賽連續第三輪沒有拿到滿意結果。不過他們還是靠著勁爆狀態闖進國王盃八強。 而Alaves方面,同樣遭遇了一個艱難回合,不敵LegaNes,也因此被踢出了國內最重要錦標。 根據雙方歷史交鋒記錄來看OSASUNA占優勢—6勝3負並附帶積極反擊指數支持,如今排名第七,很明顯會趁家門口捍衛榮譽!雖然現在外界普遍對ALAVES寄予厚望,他們卻再陷困境——即便超越保級區域線微薄但依舊六場不同程度滑坡實屆選拔壓力漸增! 如此形勢當然將影響機構評價變化,所以可謹慎預期此役很可能走向小幅開盤支撐均衡結論! SCORE:{X}|{Y} -------------------- (Both teams are injured): [Home Team] Number of injuries is unknown! [Away team]: Back Nova. ------------------------------------------------------------ (Prediction for Atletico Madrid versus Sevilla) Atletico in their last game crushed Valladolid by a staggering score of five to zero which marked four consecutive wins in the league while also eliminating Casereno via three goals to one during Copa del Rey midweek. Sevilla ended up drawing against Osasuna with a final tally at one goal each and has now gone two matches without defeat but were eliminated from this week’s cup competition after falling short against Olot where Montiel netted his first strike of the season. Head-to-head statistics show that Atletico have won five out of ten encounters with only three losses whereas currently they’re set as favorites giving away between one ball or even half more on Asian lines due mainly because they've been performing exceptionally well lately achieving an impressive eight match winning streak across all tournaments! As far as form goes, we can see clear signs indicating significant decline shown through lackluster performances put forth by Sevilla who haven’t managed back-to-back victories throughout entire campaign thus far leaving them trailing behind top-tier squads like Barca & Real respectively.< br/> For these reasons backing home side seems reasonable considering how comfortable they feel returning post-three road games played recently whilst still maintaining enough firepower needed within ranks ensuring victory should come easy here today! Match Time Scheduled For December Ninth At Four A.M., Predictions Lean Favorably Towards Home Win With Expected Scores Set Around Two Goals To Nil Or One Goal Against Their Foes’ Netting Across The Board Depending On Final Outcome Displayed Post-Kickoff Period Ending Soon After... Injury Reports Show Players Missing From Both Teams Include: [Main Squad:] Defender Molina And Midfielder Lemar Are Out While Opponent's Side Lacks Presence Within Defense Ranks Thanks To Injuries Sustained By Kwasie Plus Lokonga Alongside Forward Ezequiel During Recent Stretches Leading Up Until Matchday Arrives Shortly Ahead Of Kickoffs Occurring Later This Week As Well...."